Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Chris and I decided to hit the road Wednesday after work and arrived in Alabama late that night. That 10 hour drive is brutal, and by brutal I mean I sleep 8 out of the 10 hours. Who is the worst co-pilot ever? Me. We spent the Fourth of July indoors because the rain was not letting up. We seriously gained 5 lbs. in one day. I wish I was kidding. The food was out of this world. It's true... southerners know how to cook! The rest of the week was a mini retreat for just the two of us. We ate our way through Birmingham, caught a movie, played board games, and watched the rain come down. It was the most relaxing weekend, and let me tell you, it was BEYOND needed. It was great just spending time with my man without any errands being ran, taking the dogs out, cleaning, work etc. Our weekend was filled with belly-laughs and it felt so good. I will admit that I am completely guilty of letting the daily hustle and bustle of life get in the way of focusing on my marriage and Chris. I am so very blessed to have him as my husband... geesh I lucked out with that one.


Happy Tuesday!

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