Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Word for the Summer is Growth

Hey there!

The summer is practically over and I am about three seconds away from pulling out my Christmas decorations.

If I had to sum this summer up in one word, it would be growth.

Over the the last few months I have had some growing pains but I feel stronger and more grounded in my faith than ever.

Here are some important lessons I have learned and have to continually remind myself of:
1. Don't run from God when things get tough. Read your bible, go to church and keep praying.
2. Exercise. Your body and mind will thank you for it at the end of the day.
3. You are strong. But remember your strength can come from others when you need it. Stay close to those that love you.
4. It's OK to be sad, but don't let it consume you.  
5. Happiness is a choice, you must choose it everyday.

If you had to sum up your summer in one word what would it be?


  1. A time of "preparation" for Gods hand to word in a new direction of my life. Thank for sharing!!

    1. Sending prayers your way. Thank you for sharing :)

  2. always love your inspiring words!

